Title : Senka no Elf Mura: Ningen ni Juurin Sare Netorareru Hakudaku no Mori
Original Title : 戦禍のエルフ村 人間に蹂躙され寝取られる白濁の森

Language : Japanese
Developer : Rouseiya
Released date : 2018-12-30


“The Lost Forest”, a human dubbed name for an untouched, sacred forest where elves and the spirits of the forest live.

A small village exist inside, where elves live peacefully under the guidance of a maiden princess who can communicate with the spirits.

Meanwhile, outside the forest, an ugly war among humans is in rage.
The Empire and the Kingdom, two nations which sandwiched The Lost Forest, are fighting for each other’s territories.
Kill… steal… rape…
It’s the life where “take before they take” is the norm.

One day, the Empire ordered the mercenary troops to raid the kingdom.
The captain thinks this order is almost impossible, that is, until he turns his attention to the “The Lost Forest”…
Warning! All h-scenes in this game are rape.

LINK DOWNLOAD (size : 339 mb)



Read this before asking technical issues on #help-chat discord server
>You need winrar to extract the files and input the password
>if the game was pre-install version, you only need to run game.exe using system japanese locale or locale emulator (Read this)

>If the installer using  .mdf, .iso format, you need to mount it using daemon tools (Read this) and use the following guide :

1. Run the setup.exe using system japanese locale or locale emulator (Read this)
2. Install the game on desired directory
3. Run the game using system japanese locale or locale emulator (Read this). if serial pop-up occurs, you need a crack ( check other folder/file, usually we put the crack inside rar.