Title : Sekurisu, Sekris, SKRS
Original Title : セクリス
Original Title : セクリス
Language : Japanese, English (FanTL by XuX)
Developer : Chichi Mafia, 乳マフィア
Released date : 2024-02-11 (en)
Close contact! Close contact! Close contact!!
All movement takes place inside the girl’s clothes!
A kangaroo-like RPG.
The protagonists are on another planet, afflicted with a rare disease called “Michak Disease.”
The legendary mercenary Sekris tries to find a cure to stop the disease, but if men and women don’t have physical contact, they will die!
You, who have a small build, land on the earth of this other planet together with Sekris!
LINK DOWNLOAD ( 1.19 GB / 1.3b_MOD4 )