Title : Marika no Shakkin Hensai Monogatari ~Hunter de Kasegou to Shitara Houshuu ga Yasuinode Sakutto Deriherujou de Yattemiru?~, Rika’s debt repayment story – I tried to earn money as a hunter, but the rewards were low, so I decided to try working as a call girl instead?, Marieka’s Debt Repayment Story – I tried to make money as a hunter, but the rewards are cheap, so I’m going to try to get laid as a quick delicatessen?~.
Original Title : マリーカの借金返済物語~ハンターで稼ごうとしたら報酬が安いのでサクッとデリヘル嬢でヤってみる?~
Language : Japanese
Developer : Afurodeite, あふろでぃ〜て
Released date : 2024-08-11
Original Title : マリーカの借金返済物語~ハンターで稼ごうとしたら報酬が安いのでサクッとデリヘル嬢でヤってみる?~
Language : Japanese
Developer : Afurodeite, あふろでぃ〜て
Released date : 2024-08-11
The small border country of Marmiere,
surrounded by a variety of imperialist nations,
had to devote a large military force to defending its borders.
It also needed to defend against the various monsters that appeared within its territory,
so the kingdom managed warriors, mercenaries, and hunters through guilds rather than soldiers,
and maintained peace within the territory by paying rewards according to the number of monsters they defeated.
Marika was an orphan who had lost her parents, but was trained as a warrior.
One day, after coming of age, she was summoned by the Minister of Finance at the castle…