Title : Ecchi na Gakkou no Kaidan 2 Boku to Kowai Onee-san Tachi, Erotic School Ghost Stories 2 Me and the Scary Older Sisters
Original Title : エッチな学校の怪談2 ~ボクと怖~いお姉さんたち~
Language : Japanese (Official)
Developer : M-Gentlemen After-party
Released date : 2024-12-20
Original Title : エッチな学校の怪談2 ~ボクと怖~いお姉さんたち~
Language : Japanese (Official)
Developer : M-Gentlemen After-party
Released date : 2024-12-20
A ghost story rumored at a certain school — “The Purple Mirror.”
It is said that if you stand in front of the “Purple Mirror” at 2 a.m., you’ll be drawn into the world of the mirror.
To uncover the truth, I was invited by my classmate Erika-chan to sneak into the school late at night.
But when Erika-chan looked into the Purple Mirror, she vanished into the world of the mirror…!
To save Erika-chan, I entered the mirror world as well!
There, it was a school and town no different from usual…
But something felt slightly off…
Sensual and scary youkai older sisters were lying in wait, ready to tempt me…!