Title : Ecchi na Menu Hajimemashita! ~Yariman JK no FamiRes Gohoushi Arbeit~
Original Title : エッチなメニューはじめました!~ヤリマンJKのファミレスご奉仕アルバイト~
Original Title : エッチなメニューはじめました!~ヤリマンJKのファミレスご奉仕アルバイト~
Released date : 2016-08-26
Developer : Pako Pako Soft
Developer : Pako Pako Soft
Picking up a good-looking customer, calling Kaleshi during work, picking up the food to serve to the customer …
Thanks to the selfish part-time job JK’s three daughters, “Matsuri,” “Yuka,” and “Tamako,” the family restaurant “Maguwaiya,” whose management is sluggish.
One day, the store manager suddenly collapsed and was hospitalized, and in the crisis situation of the store, which is sure to close as it is
, the three people stand up to save the store in order to protect the cozy playground and their salary.
The means is to offer various naughty menus, attract male customers, and earn a lot of money!
Can the extremely erotic service of the three girls who literally put up their bodies save “Maguwaiya”? ??
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