Title : Isekai Harem Saver, Hāremu sugiru isekai wa ore ga sukuu – Isekai Harem Saver -, Ore no Are ga Shinsei Sugite Chouhou Sarerun Daga!?
Original Title : 俺のアレが神聖過ぎて重宝されるんだが!?, ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う – Isekai Harem Saver –
Original Title : 俺のアレが神聖過ぎて重宝されるんだが!?, ハーレム過ぎる異世界は俺が救う – Isekai Harem Saver –
Language : English, Japanese, Chinese, Jawa, Sunda…
Released Date : 2022-11-16
Developer : Gen’yuukyou
17+, publisher removes h-scene
Businessman Daigo Igarashi suddenly had a stomachache while on fieldwork, and rushed into a restroom.
At that moment, he hears cheers and a few screams.
Daigo, who was in the restroom was suddenly summoned to an isekai.
A world full of beautiful women…or rather, only women.
Here every child born is female,
and once every decade or so, they summon a man from another world to bear a descendent.
As the only man in the world, the retention of the species depends on him. Can he save the world of harem?!