Title : Mama Kondan ~Mama no Himitsu no Kondankai~, Mama’s Secret Parent Teacher Conference
Original Title : ママこんだん ~ママの秘密の懇談会~
Original Title : ママこんだん ~ママの秘密の懇談会~
Language : Japanese, English
Developer : Autonoe
Released date : 2019-07-06, 2024-12-15 (en)
Makoto was living happily with his mother.
One day, his classmate “Ken” told him that he was having sex with his mom, and said that other students who were interested were calling their mothers to school to have orgies.
He was shocked to hear this, but when he got home his teacher was there…
…and his mother seemed to be acting differently than usual…
He learned the reason why his mother was leaving the house late every night…