Title : Nyonin-jima -Yaru dake Kanrinin no Hame Pako Ijuu Seikatsu-, NYO-NIN-JIMA – My New Life in Charge of a Tropical Island –
Original Title : にょにんじま ―ヤるだけ管理人のはめパコ移住性活―
Original Title : にょにんじま ―ヤるだけ管理人のはめパコ移住性活―
Language : English, Chinese (Official)
Developer : Pako Pako Soft
Released date : 2024-06-25
The day after Seiichi Harama was laid off from the black company where he had worked for many years, he landed on a remote tropical island hundreds of kilometers from the center of the city.
He landed on a remote tropical island several hundred kilometers from the city center.
I had no regrets about my job, but I was wondering how I was going to live from tomorrow.
I was worried about how I was going to live tomorrow when my teacher – the old man who was the reason I was fired – asked me to help him “manage the island.