Title : The Game Corner, the Boys, and the Naked Lady – The Kids at the Arcade, The Game Corner, The little boys,and the Naked Onee-san
Original Title : ゲームコーナーと少年と裸のお姉さん‐ゲームセンターのあのこたち-
Original Title : ゲームコーナーと少年と裸のお姉さん‐ゲームセンターのあのこたち-
Language : English (FanTL by Xux)
Developer : Sakuragi Company
Released date : 2024-05-29 (en)
A good family’s young lady likes exposure play and shorties?
No customers, unmotivated staff, and no sleep,
The game corner of this tired supermarket is the perfect place for exposure play.
Sighting? Calling the police? No need to worry about it at all!
Get naked and have fun!
Video games in the nude, crane games in the nude, purikura (purikura) in the nude,
Sometimes, you may even “snatch and eat” the little kids who come to play with you.
An unprecedented immoral story of a nymphomaniac who does whatever she pleases!
LINK DOWNLOAD ( 241 MB / V1.02 )