Title : Henshin Hiroine Juurin Kangoku Toshi, Transformation Heroine: Ravaged Prison City, Zyuurin Kangoku Toshi
Original Title : 変身ヒロイン蹂躙監獄都市
Original Title : 変身ヒロイン蹂躙監獄都市
Language : Japanese, English (Edited MTL GPT 4o)
Developer : Coffin of a dream
Released date : 2024-12-12, 2024-12-31 (en)
The main character, Elletta, who is a heroine known as “Cuvallier”,
is defeated in the territory of an enemy. She is captured there and trained as a virgin, but is rescued by her companion and respected senior, Sekka.
However, Sekka, who protected Elletta, is subjected to a special curse,
and the two of them are transported to a place known as the “Prison City”.
The story then takes two routes…
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