Title : Shin Seidokai ~Bijin Kaichou to Bakunyuu Shoki no Choukyou Nippou~
Original Title : 侵・性奴会~美人会長と爆乳書記の調教日報~
Original Title : 侵・性奴会~美人会長と爆乳書記の調教日報~
Language : Japanese
Developer : Tsurumiku -Another-
Released date : 2023-05-26
Ryuuguuin Reia’s carelessness causes the protagonist Kuzunoi Takatora, to be injured to the point that he has to stay in a hospital.
Although the student council president makes an apology, Takatora demands that atonement must be made with not words but attitudes. Nodding her head, Reia promises that she and her secretary will take responsibility.
After he is discharged from the hospital, Takatora goes to his school and then into a classroom.
“Now…… Let the fun begin.”