Title : Inma Meikyuu ~Succubus Dungeon~ Gaiden, Succubus Dungeon Gaiden
Original Title : 淫魔迷宮~Succubus Dungeon~ 外伝

Language : Japanese
Developer : Oyasumi Kaihatsu-sho, おやすみ開発所
Released date : 2024-07-10


There were two problems in a certain territory.

One was a small dungeon at the entrance on the outskirts of town.

There were five vicious succubi living there, who had driven many famous adventurers to their deaths.

Men working in the town were lured by the sweet scent of the succubi, and entered the labyrinth, where they disappeared one after another.

The other problem was the protagonist, Goda.

He would approach town girls and have sex with them without their consent.

The women who fell victim to him were initially reluctant, but by the end of the game,

they were so intoxicated that they were loyal to Goda.

This caused many relationships between men and women to fall apart, and the number of men who abandoned their jobs out of shock increased, leading to an increase in the number of regions experiencing economic collapse.

The town’s vigilante group was working to capture Goda, but the women who were victims were fascinated by Goda and were uncooperative with the Empire, let alone reporting the crime, so they were troubled by their inability to capture Goda.

Meanwhile, the lord heard rumors of the incubus labyrinth,
and thought to himself,
“Is it possible that even Goda can charm the incubus?”
So he devised a plan to have the incubus kill Goda by heading to the labyrinth where the incubus resides.

Just as the lord had planned, Goda was helplessly drained by the incubus,
but even after being forced to ejaculate a lethal amount, he managed to get up and
train, determined to conquer the labyrinth.

