Title : Mawaru Oroka○ Densha, The Rotating Molester Train, The Circulating Pervert Train
Original Title : 廻る痴○電車
Original Title : 廻る痴○電車
Language : Japanese
Developer : Pilmenikon, ピルメニコン
Released date : 2024-07-23 (last update)
Our protagonist spends his days monotonously commuting between his workplace and home.
Worn out by the hard work and with his judgement clouded,
he ends up groping a girl who happens to be on the same train.
Taking advantage of the fact that she doesn’t make a fuss or scream,
he runs his fingers over her body the next day, and the day after that.
It’s Friday.
Having once again thoroughly enjoyed the girl’s body,
he gets off the train with a refreshed look on his face, but…
LINK DOWNLOAD ( 557 MB / V24.07.23 )